English Vinglish is an upcoming Indian drama film directed by debutant director Gauri Shinde and produced by R. Balki. The film marks the comeback of Sridevi after a 14 year sabbatical. The film also features French actor Mehdi Nebbou, Adil Hussain, and Priya Anand. Amitabh Bachchan makes a guest appearance in the Hindi version of the film, while Ajith Kumar comes in for the same role in the Tamil version. This film also marks the comeback of Sridevi to Tamil Cinema after 16 years.
Sridevi plays the central role of a housewife, who enrolls for an English speaking course in order to please her husband and family. English Vinglish will be dubbed into Telugu and will release simultaneously along with the Hindi and Tamil versions. English Vinglish is all set to hit the screens on 5th October 2012.
English Vinglish - 2012 Trailer
Releasing Date: 14 September 2012
Sridevi plays the central role of a housewife, who enrolls for an English speaking course in order to please her husband and family. English Vinglish will be dubbed into Telugu and will release simultaneously along with the Hindi and Tamil versions. English Vinglish is all set to hit the screens on 5th October 2012.
- Sridevi as Shashi
- Priya Anand
- Mehdi Nebbou
- Adil Hussain
- Sujata kumar
- Neelu sodhi
- Ross Nathan
- Ajith Kumar (Guest appearance) - in Tamil Version
- Amitabh Bachchan (Guest appearance)- in Hindi Version
- Rajeev Ravindranathan
- Sumeet vyas
- Ruth Aguilar
- Damian thomson
- Maria Romano
- Maria Pendolino