Children that went to school and never came back.. 144 STORIES!! BLACK DAY FOR HUMANITY 16th December 2014 "Will these senseless killing EVER stop?" A BIG QUESTION MARK ?
16th December 2014 |
#Black Day for Humanity
#16th December 2014
Remembering 144 stories
144 children, 144 stories, 144 lives, 144 homes destroyed, 144 murders one ONE
144 is not a number, 144 stories within to be told..
16th december 2014 "Black Day for Humanity" |
APS Attack 16th december 2014
In memory of little, innocent children killed brutely in APS 2 years ago by
cruel terrorits. Life is so unpredictable, so atrocious, so cruel ...
"Children went to school and never came back"
Students listening to teachers, notebooks & pen in hands, teachers
delivering lectures, little kids playing in the play ground to enjoy their
break time, principal doing regular routine work
Some students were looking at the clock to pass the time and waiting for the
class to over and the day to end so that they can go back home.
Grade 1
Khula's who was missing her parents badly because it was her first day at
school. She was excited as well because it was her first day and she was eager
to go back home to tell her parents about her first day spent at school but....
"she never knew that it was her first as well as LAST day at
It was 10:30 am, every body was busy in routine work and suddenly there
were screams, panic, gunshots, gun men, and children running here at there to
save themselves. 7 gun men entered the Army Public School and conducted a
terrorist attack on APS Peshawar on 16th December 2016.
They opened fired on school innocent children & staff members. This was the
deadliest terrorist attack ever in the history of Pakistan surpassing Karachi
attack 2007. According to Asim Bajwa (Major General) "The terrorist did
not intend to take any hostages but instead wanted to kill as many students as
they could". Students tried hard to save themselves from those cruel
terrorists & to escape themselves they rushed towards exits but they were
killed as they were running near garden towards exit.
While writing about eight grade student Uzair Ali, moved me to tears.
Uzair Ali tried to save his fellow members and lay down on the top and he was
shotted 13 times by terrorist BUT he managed to saved his fellows. Nation
salutes him for his bravery.
Tahira Qazi "A mother with love"
Whose courage, bravery and sacrifice can never be forgotten. She lost her live
in saving children and she refused to leave school until the last child was
rescued. "“She stood
for education. She stood for the children. And she stood for her principles.”
Tahira Qazi "A brave mother of Nation" |
Our little heroes of APS, u will be always remembered. The dreadful
APS attack has been a trauma for every Pakistani. .
Below are pictures of courage and sadness of children, women and men whose absence will be forever
painful, always remembered.
144 innocent lives |
Life Is So Unpredictable, So Atrocious, So Cruel ... "Children Went To School And Never Came Back