Healthy Tips for Oily Hair and Dandruff

22:03 Nadia Sarwar 0 Comments

Hair are the beauty of body and especially females love to have long healthy and silky hair. Sometimes hair develop a flat, stringy or oily appearance called grease and these are labelled as "Greasy" hair. This type hair is hard to control, clumps together easily and doesn't hold a style well.
      When your hair gets greasy, just a day or two after washing it, you likely have oily hair. Oil is a natural secretion of the scalp that helps keep hair healthy. Oily hair is the result of excessive oil production when your glands over secretes the oil on your scalp and make the hair greasy.
    This can happen for many reasons like heredity, hormonal changes, and excessive stress. Eating too much oily food and poor hair care or usage of wrong shampoo are also the main factors involved. Changing your shampoo again and again for your hair also cause this problem. Oily hair is heavy looking and unmanageable hair that sticks together, and are more prone to dandruff and itchiness.

How to get rid of Oily Hair:
As oily hair looks unwashed, lifeless and dirty, it is important to control this condition so you can look your best. To prevent oily hair you need to keep the scalp clean. However, shampooing daily is not always a good idea. Some chemicals in shampoos can further aggravate the problem and damage the hair. Fortunately, there are several home remedies you can use to keep the grease in check and keep your hair looking fresh for days. These few remedies are:

1. Apple Cider Vinegar:
Apple cider vinegar is an effective home remedy for oily hair. The acetic acid in it helps balance the pH level of the scalp, which in turn helps control the secretion of excess oil and reduces oil buildup on your hair. Plus, it works as a potent hair tonic for you to keep your hair soft and shiny.

2. Lemon Juice To Clean Hair:
Lemon is great for different types of scalp and hair problems, including oily hair. Lemon contains many vital vitamins and minerals that promote healthy hair. The acidic property of lemon helps balance the pH level of the scalp and controls oil secretion.

3. Tea -Tannic Acid for Hair:
Black tea has an ingredient known as tannic acid that helps prevent buildup of excess oil on the scalp by tightening the pores and keep the hair silky and fresh looking.

4. Aloe Vera:
The vitamins, minerals and enzymes present in aloe Vera gel are very helpful for getting rid of oily hair. Aloe Vera helps detoxify the scalp of impurities and control oil secretion, while also nourishing your hair roots. Plus, the soothing nature of Aloe Vera will keep your hair healthy.

5. Baking Soda -To Make Your Hair Oil And Grease Free:
The oil-absorbing quality of baking soda makes it a great home remedy for oily hair. Also, the alkaline nature of baking soda helps balance the pH level of the scalp and will reduce foul smell.

6. Egg Yolk:
Egg yolk is found to be a good product that you can use on your hair as it helps to condition your hair and to remove excess oils. It is an age old home remedy to treat excess oil in the hair and to keep the hair silky and healthy.


1. Do not Wash Your Hair Every Day:
 When you wash your hair, you remove the natural moisturizing oils. Everyday washing of hair can lead your oil glands to go over-drive and produce more moisturizing oils to compensate for oil loss, making your hair greasy and sticky with oil. Wash your hair with a good oil removal shampoo not more than three times a week to get rid of oil from your hair.

2. Hair Conditioner:

Use conditioner only for your hair shaft and never use it on your scalp because it can make your hair more greasy and oily if used on scalp. Many hair experts believe that use hair conditioner when your problem of greasy oil is solved.

3. Use Good Quality Shampoos, Conditioners and Hair Products:
Cheap and substandard quality shampoos, conditioners, hair sprays, and gels contain a lot of chemicals which contribute to make your hair oily & greasy and also damaged your hair. Always use those products which are made of natural ingredients.

4. Hands Off:
 Touch, brush or comb your hair as sparingly as possible, if you have oily hair tendencies. The more you touch, brush, or even style your hair, the more your scalp will produce and spread grease and that will make your hair oily and even damaged the roots and results in hair loss. So be careful while brushing hair.

6. Healthy Diet:
 Healthy Diet will keep your hair and skin nourished and healthy. Keep your diet balanced and use more proteins such as salmon and walnuts for omega-3s, and spinach and carrots for vitamin A. Foods rich in protein and iron make your hair healthy, as deficiency in protein and iron can cause hair thinning and hair loss.


The first thing you do is to stop combing your hair too often with your hands, as this leads to spreading of oil from your scalp hair which will not only make your hair look oily but can cause acne break out also when you touch your face with oily hands.

2. Instead of solving your oily hair problem, daily washing of your hair will make it worse. The more often you shampoo your hair, the more oil your scalp will produce to rehydrate your hair.

3. A gentle cleansing shampoo you will help you & prevent your scalp from producing too much oil.

4. Stay away from gloppy gels, because they will make your hair look greasy when it's not.

5. Do not over-brush your hair as brushing is stimuli to the oil glands and this is likely to increase oil production and make your hair look greasy & oily.