10) George W Bush:
GW didn't create the mess we're in today; he just exacerbated it with his tax cuts for the wealthy, starting an unnecessary war when we were already involved in one because nine months into his presidency, he failed to learn anything about foreign policy and the intelligence agencies, that were in complete disarray. He deregulated the banks and credit card companies, unleashing a army of predatory lenders on unsophisticated consumers. Long depressing story short, he wanted to go down in history as a war hero, a Presidential hero, and the face of American hope to others. Instead he killed 100, 000, 000 people, wasted billions of dollars in tax money that we worked hard for, and put the orphan level in the world to an all-time high.

09) Miley Cyrus:
She is so annoying and nobody actually thinks that she is a good singer. She tries to raise her fame by making out with pretty much everyone she finds available! For the people who hate her, she's just grown up not changed. She is a good singer. What she's doing and how she does it obviously doesn't appeal to everyone.

08) Kim Kardashian:
No talent in that family whatsoever. She is a very bad role model for kids, beauty and money aren't everything. The way she acts and treats life is sickening. Her porn video is what made her famous, before that she was Paris Hilton's maid. Drama is what she thrives on, and without it she would be boring. She is THE dumbest person ever witnessed.

07) Kanye Omari West:
is an American rapper, songwriter, and fashion designer. He was born on June 8, 1977 in Atlanta, Georgia. He is just a small minded man, who in his own words believes he is the next "Jesus". He has little to no talent yet has the confidence to call his latest album 'the best album ever made'. If you ask me this man is rude, self-centered and a disgrace to modern pop culture. He's selfish, self-centered, and a horrible influence on children. He thinks everything should be about him, and he's always trying to take the spotlight away from everyone.

05) Barack Hussein Obama
He is the 44th president of the United States of America. He was elected in 2008 after serving in the Senate from 2005-08, beating John McCain and becoming the first African-American to be elected President of the United States. He was elected again in 2012, beating Mitt Romney. Barack Obama eliminated Osama bin Laden, helped get rid of Qaddafi, was instrumental in advancement of gay rights, repealed don't ask don't tell, more people than ever have health care due to his actions, provided a stimulus package that saved the auto industry, is making gun purchases safer, normalized relations with Cuba, expanded hate crime protection, increased support for veterans, negotiated a climate change agreement, along with five other nations negotiated a nuclear arms reduction deal with Iran, which led to the release of four political prisoners this week and probably helped in the safe return of ten sailors who strayed into Irani waters.

03) Osama Bin Laden:
He is a high level terrorist, hiding somewhere, He has done some bad thing. He is the reason why Muslims are hated to this day! He was the leader of al-Qaeda, the group that claimed responsibility for the 9/11 attack on the Twin Towers. For all we know, his death was faked and he is still out there somewhere. Wherever he is, I hope he gets what he deserves one day. And my heart goes out to the families of all those people that were in the attack. Those 200 people who were forced to jump to their deaths. And may the souls of the suicide pilots that flew those planes into the building forever stay in the deepest, darkest places of hell.

02) Adolf Hitler:
This man was an evil person, he caused the biggest and most unforgettable event in human history, WW2. Unbelievably sick, he murdered people who were "Different", he must've had a crazy mind. People will never forget him, and there will never be anybody like him, not one person. This man had made his mark in history. Responsible for more than 60 million people, A lot of families lost their sons, fathers, cousins & uncles because of this German maniac.
This list is made on the reviews of the people taken simultaneously. These 10 people are the most hated people in the world 2016. Some are ranked on their cruel work and others for destroying the lives of people.
Ten most hated people in the world
10) George W Bush:
GW didn't create the mess we're in today; he just exacerbated it with his tax cuts for the wealthy, starting an unnecessary war when we were already involved in one because nine months into his presidency, he failed to learn anything about foreign policy and the intelligence agencies, that were in complete disarray. He deregulated the banks and credit card companies, unleashing a army of predatory lenders on unsophisticated consumers. Long depressing story short, he wanted to go down in history as a war hero, a Presidential hero, and the face of American hope to others. Instead he killed 100, 000, 000 people, wasted billions of dollars in tax money that we worked hard for, and put the orphan level in the world to an all-time high.

09) Miley Cyrus:
She is so annoying and nobody actually thinks that she is a good singer. She tries to raise her fame by making out with pretty much everyone she finds available! For the people who hate her, she's just grown up not changed. She is a good singer. What she's doing and how she does it obviously doesn't appeal to everyone.

08) Kim Kardashian:
No talent in that family whatsoever. She is a very bad role model for kids, beauty and money aren't everything. The way she acts and treats life is sickening. Her porn video is what made her famous, before that she was Paris Hilton's maid. Drama is what she thrives on, and without it she would be boring. She is THE dumbest person ever witnessed.

07) Kanye Omari West:
is an American rapper, songwriter, and fashion designer. He was born on June 8, 1977 in Atlanta, Georgia. He is just a small minded man, who in his own words believes he is the next "Jesus". He has little to no talent yet has the confidence to call his latest album 'the best album ever made'. If you ask me this man is rude, self-centered and a disgrace to modern pop culture. He's selfish, self-centered, and a horrible influence on children. He thinks everything should be about him, and he's always trying to take the spotlight away from everyone.

06) Joseph Stalin:
his "red terror" campaign, "great purge" and the infamous gulag death camps has killed millions of people. over 40 million Russian perished during his time (exclude world war-2). Many historians and academia's regarded this man as "the greatest murderer" on modern history.
his "red terror" campaign, "great purge" and the infamous gulag death camps has killed millions of people. over 40 million Russian perished during his time (exclude world war-2). Many historians and academia's regarded this man as "the greatest murderer" on modern history.
05) Barack Hussein Obama
He is the 44th president of the United States of America. He was elected in 2008 after serving in the Senate from 2005-08, beating John McCain and becoming the first African-American to be elected President of the United States. He was elected again in 2012, beating Mitt Romney. Barack Obama eliminated Osama bin Laden, helped get rid of Qaddafi, was instrumental in advancement of gay rights, repealed don't ask don't tell, more people than ever have health care due to his actions, provided a stimulus package that saved the auto industry, is making gun purchases safer, normalized relations with Cuba, expanded hate crime protection, increased support for veterans, negotiated a climate change agreement, along with five other nations negotiated a nuclear arms reduction deal with Iran, which led to the release of four political prisoners this week and probably helped in the safe return of ten sailors who strayed into Irani waters.

04)Marian Rivera:
Naturally, she is hated by the people, cause of her irksome attitude or approach, feisty yet annoyed. Many people are in the state of bewildered why she is a queen of primetime. A disputable and quarrelsome argument. Her smile is fake. She does charities for the cameras, and not really as a genuine concern. She gets into trouble most of the time for the little things that irritate her, bringing out her foul-mouthed tirades.
Naturally, she is hated by the people, cause of her irksome attitude or approach, feisty yet annoyed. Many people are in the state of bewildered why she is a queen of primetime. A disputable and quarrelsome argument. Her smile is fake. She does charities for the cameras, and not really as a genuine concern. She gets into trouble most of the time for the little things that irritate her, bringing out her foul-mouthed tirades.
03) Osama Bin Laden:
He is a high level terrorist, hiding somewhere, He has done some bad thing. He is the reason why Muslims are hated to this day! He was the leader of al-Qaeda, the group that claimed responsibility for the 9/11 attack on the Twin Towers. For all we know, his death was faked and he is still out there somewhere. Wherever he is, I hope he gets what he deserves one day. And my heart goes out to the families of all those people that were in the attack. Those 200 people who were forced to jump to their deaths. And may the souls of the suicide pilots that flew those planes into the building forever stay in the deepest, darkest places of hell.

02) Adolf Hitler:
This man was an evil person, he caused the biggest and most unforgettable event in human history, WW2. Unbelievably sick, he murdered people who were "Different", he must've had a crazy mind. People will never forget him, and there will never be anybody like him, not one person. This man had made his mark in history. Responsible for more than 60 million people, A lot of families lost their sons, fathers, cousins & uncles because of this German maniac.

01) Justin Bieber:
The person in the list of most hated people in the world on number one is none other than Justin Bieber. Justin Drew Bieber is a Canadian singer, song writer, and record producer. He was born on March 1, 1994. Justin is currently 22 years old and lives in Ontario, Canada (despite once claimed that he was Part-Indian) and he's Christian. He's the son of an author, Pattie Mellette.
The person in the list of most hated people in the world on number one is none other than Justin Bieber. Justin Drew Bieber is a Canadian singer, song writer, and record producer. He was born on March 1, 1994. Justin is currently 22 years old and lives in Ontario, Canada (despite once claimed that he was Part-Indian) and he's Christian. He's the son of an author, Pattie Mellette.
More people have committed suicide since his rise to
fame. 1994 was the worst year ever in history. Kurt Cobain died and this
garbage singer was born.
He killed at least more people than Hitler because of his
This list is made on the reviews of the people taken simultaneously. These 10 people are the most hated people in the world 2016. Some are ranked on their cruel work and others for destroying the lives of people.