Boyfriend Or Bodyguard? Scarlett Johansson's Half-Naked Mystery Man And More

How much would you pay to be able to lounge around with a bikini-clad Scarlett Johansson? What if you were the one getting paid? Even better, right? Well, as it turns out, if you were the actress's bodyguard you'd get to do just that. Photos of a shirtless mystery man relaxing on board a yacht with the sexy Avengers star quickly made their way through the internet circuit and had many people speculating whether or not this was a full-fledged romance. But this isn't a random suitor nor is it her advertising beau Nate Naylor. He's actually her long-time bodyguard! (And we can see why she likes to keep him around). Granted, half-naked sunbathing isn't how one usually opts to spend time with their boss, but when that boss looks like Johansson can you really blame the guy? Not a bad way to spend a day on the job if you ask me. Where do we sign up? But ScarJo isn't the first celeb to get a little cozy with her fearless protector. And it's understandable — you already know they'd take a bullet for you.